Bolo Yeung, a renowned competitive bodybuilder turned actor, gained prominence through his appearance in Bruce Lee‘s Enter the Dragon. Also known as the Chinese Hercules, Yeung held the title of Mr. Hong Kong Bodybuilding Champion for ten years before making his debut in the 1970 film, The Wandering Swordsman. He rose to stardom with his role in the 1988 martial arts film Bloodsport alongside Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Bolo Yeung Early Life

Full Real NameBolo Yeung
ProfessionMovie Actor
Date Of BirthJuly 3rd, 1946
BirthdayJuly 3rd
Year Of Birth1946

Competitive bodybuilder turned actor, Bolo Yeung, known as the Chinese Hercules, held the title of Mr. Hong Kong Bodybuilding Champion for a decade. Born in Guangzhou, China, he debuted in the 1970’s.

Bolo Yeung Zodiac Sign

Sun SignCancer

Bolo Yeung was born on July 3, 1946, making his zodiac sign Cancer.

Bolo Yeung Career

Bolo Yeung, a renowned competitive bodybuilder who transitioned into an acting career, gained recognition for his role in Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon. Also known as the Chinese Hercules, Yeung held the Mr. Hong Kong Bodybuilding Champion title for ten years and made his film debut in 1970 with The Wandering Swordsman

Among his notable film appearances are 1996’s Fists of Legends 2: Iron Bodyguards, 2013’s The Whole World at Our Feet, and his breakout role in 1988’s Bloodsport alongside Jean-Claude Van Damme. Born Yang Sze in Guangzhou, China, he began practicing martial arts at the age of 10 under his parents’ guidance and later became a close friend to Bruce Lee.

Bolo Yeung Social Media Presence

Bolo Yeung, also known as @officialboloyeung on Instagram, has a strong social media presence with 60 posts and 185K followers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bolo Yeung is known for being a bodybuilder and martial artist, gaining fame as a movie actor.

Bolo Yeung was born in Guangzhou, China.

Bolo Yeung is currently 77 years old, as he was born on July 3, 1946.
