How old is Neneh Cherry? When is Neneh Cherry's birthday? Where is Neneh Cherry born? Where did Neneh Cherry grow up from? What's Neneh Cherry's age?

Neneh Cherry Born: 1964 (age 59years), Stockholm, Sweden

Is Neneh Cherry married? When did Neneh Cherry get married? Who's Neneh Cherry's married to? (Who's Neneh Cherry's husband / wife)?

Neneh Cherry Spouse: Cameron McVey (m. 1990), Bruce Smith (m. 19831984)

How about Neneh Cherry's parents?

Neneh Cherry Parents: Moki Cherry, Ahmadu Jah

How about Neneh Cherry's sibling?

Neneh Cherry Sibling: Eagle-Eye Cherry, Titiyo, David Ornette Cherry, Christian Jon Cherry

Does Neneh Cherry have any children? What are the names of Neneh Cherry's children? What are the ages of Neneh Cherry's children?

Neneh Cherry Children: Mabel, Naima Karlsson, Tyson McVey

What was Neneh Cherry biggest hit?

She has been married to Cameron McVey since 1990. They have two children. She was previously married to Bruce Smith.

Are Neneh Cherry and Eagle-Eye Cherry related?

She has been married to Cameron McVey since 1990. They have two children. She was previously married to Bruce Smith.

Is Neneh Cherry mixed race?

She has been married to Cameron McVey since 1990. They have two children. She was previously married to Bruce Smith.

Is Neneh Cherry still married?

She has been married to Cameron McVey since 1990. They have two children. She was previously married to Bruce Smith.
