"What about Foley! I bet EDGE still wants to keep wrestling,he's one of the boys big time!!! HH"
"@Only_1Abz my take is with a unfixable neck injury it's over ,but he's one of the boys and it will be hard to keep him down,he's 4life HH"
"I'm not saying anything bad about Edge but he's a real wrestler,Stone Cold and Cena had neck surgery and u couldn't stop em,Or Edge it's in"
"Edges blood,he lives for this business he's a real wrestler,he a lifer,he's one of the real boys,he's hard to hold down,that's all. HH"
"i don't understand you saying I'm mad,it's going to be interesting to see how he handles his wrestling life after some time HH"
Yeah what a dick, putting Edge over and telling it like it is in regards to the Entertainment company. It would seem in Hogans view it isn't Edge that wanted to retire, it's more of the Entertainment Company siding with a Doctor and pushing him out. I can't see what the problem is except that the notoriously anti-Hogan and pro-WWE news board is trying to rile up fans again. I have no doubts in my mind Hogan is correct, if Edge could he would keep going and didn't want to retire.