Athena is one of the most important and influential characters in the God of War series, a video game franchise that revolves around the adventures of Kratos, a Spartan warrior who becomes the God of War after killing Ares, the original God of War. Athena is the Goddess of Wisdom, War, Strategy, and Justice, and the daughter of Zeus, the King of the Olympian Gods. She is also the half-sister of Kratos, as they share the same father.

Athena’s Death and Return

Athena’s relationship with Kratos is complex and ambiguous. She is his mentor, ally, and sometimes adversary. She helps him in his quest to kill Ares, but also manipulates him to serve her own agenda. She is the one who gives him the Blade of Olympus, a powerful weapon that can kill gods, but also the one who takes it away from him. She is the one who reveals his true identity as a demigod, but also the one who hides his role in the death of his family.

In God of War II, Athena sacrifices herself to save Zeus from Kratos’ wrath, as she believes that killing Zeus would doom the world. She dies in Kratos’ arms, after telling him that he is the son of Zeus, and that she loves him as a brother. However, in God of War III, Athena returns as a ghostly apparition, claiming that she has ascended to a higher plane of existence. She guides Kratos to the Flame of Olympus, where the power of hope is hidden, and asks him to give it to her, so that she can reshape the world in her image.

Athena’s Motive and Fate

Athena’s motive and fate are unclear and mysterious. She seems to have a hidden agenda, and a desire to become the supreme ruler of the world. She tells Kratos that she knows the truth about the origin of the gods, and that she wants to end the cycle of violence and chaos that they have caused. She also says that she has forgiven him for killing her, and that she wants to help him find redemption.

However, Kratos does not trust her, and refuses to give her the power of hope. He stabs himself with the Blade of Olympus, releasing the power to the world, and seemingly killing himself. Athena is furious and disappointed, and calls him a fool. She takes the blade and leaves, saying that he has doomed them all. Her final words are: “You will always be a monster.”

Is Athena really dead, or is she still alive in some form? What was her true plan, and what will she do next? Will she ever face Kratos again, and what will be the outcome of their confrontation? These are some of the questions that remain unanswered in the God of War series, and that might be explored in the future installments.
