The game show, Jeopardy! has introduced audiences to a variety of people, some becoming regulars due to their vast knowledge and skill in trivia, allowing them to win thousands of dollars just by playing the game. Some players have become so prolific that the show’s creators announced Jeopardy! Masters, a game show that features contestants who’ve won more than 100 games that will be airing on ABC around May 2023.

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But it seems that a newcomer has emerged in the Jeopardy!-sphere. Hannah Wilson recently showed that she has the potential to compete in this popular game show since she won a total of $71k on May 4’s broadcast.

Is Jeopardy! contestant Hannah Wilson transgender?

Wilson joined Jeopardy! on May 3, 2023, and since then, she’s earned a total of $71,000 during the first two days alone. According to the contestant’s LinkedIn page, she’s a data scientist in Chicago, Illinois and according to The U.S. Sun, she’s the 18th-ranked crossword puzzle solver in the USA.

But apparently, people are more interested in the contestant’s gender rather than her skill in the game. It was confirmed that Wilson is a transgender woman. This information was later solidified when the 2022 Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions winner Amy Schneider congratulated Wilson and welcomed her to “the Guild of Jeopardy Champion Trans Women.”

Huge congratulations to Hannah Wilson!!! Welcome to the Guild of Jeopardy Champion Trans Women, one of us will be in contact shortly to explain the secret handshake and so forth

— Amy Schneider (@Jeopardamy) May 4, 2023

Regardless, Jeopardy! fans hope that Wilson will continue her winning streak. So far, Wilson has found five daily doubles and missed three clues during the two games she’s been on. Could Wilson become another Jeopardy! legend? That remains to be seen. New episodes of the game show air every week on ABC at 7pm EST.
