Joy Behar first met her future husband in the early 1980s shortly after her divorce from her first husband, Joe Behar, was finalized — and she got an eyeful right before that first meeting. During a 2020 episode of "The View," Behar revealed that Janowitz was totally naked the first time she ever saw him. "I don't know if you know this about me, but I met my husband at a semi-nudist colony," Behar told her co-stars, per The Sun. "He was all the way on the other side of this place — and it was like an adult place. He was far away, naked. And then at night, there was a movie playing, and then I saw him fully dressed. But I remembered him from the daytime."
Behar clarified that she was not nude when she first spotted Janowitz across the way and noted that their first in-person meeting in 1982 was also fully clothed. "For a man to see me naked, I have to be included in his will," she once joked to Us Weekly.
After decades with Janowitz, Behar seems to be a lot more comfortable in her birthday suit. In 2011, she joked to The Huffington Post about her long relationship with Janowitz, who is a retired teacher. "We're really romantic," Behar said. "We like to sit on the floor naked, eating cannoli, and watching 'Hoarders.'"