The magic of Mister Rogers wasn't that he had fun puppets or a sentient trolley or even that his theme song somehow captured the essence of pure joy. It was that he made countless people feel worthy of love and acceptance just by virtue of being themselves. It was you he liked, not the things you'd wear, not the way you did your hair, just you he liked. The importance that Mister Rogers placed on making others feel important guided everything he did on his show. Even the sweaters and sneakers he put on during the intro to Mister Rogers' Neighborhood served a carefully thought-out purpose.
He wanted to make children feel at home
Nature explains that Mister Rogers studied with preeminent child psychologist Margaret McFarland and would even visit her in the middle of filming to make sure the show properly accounted for the emotional intelligence of children. As former producer Arthur Greenwald put it, "There were no accidents on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood." The scripts were meticulously written to avoid confusing young children, prompting writers to coin the term "Fredish." Maura Judkis, who met Mister Rogers as a child, later wrote about how he would do things like reshoot an otherwise perfect scene if the trolley accidentally traveled in a direction children wouldn't expect.
The importance of Mister Rogers' sweater and sneakers
Much like the other elements of the show, the sweaters and shoes were meant to conform to children's expectations. PBS affiliate Rewire writes that the show originally aired in the afternoon around the time working parents would typically return home. So Mister Rogers simulated that moment on screen, switching out of his work clothes and into the more casual sweater and sneakers (which were technically his work clothes). The sweaters served a sentimental purpose for Rogers, whose mother personally hand-knit cardigans for his show while she was alive. Meanwhile the sneakers had the practical benefit of allowing Rogers to sneak backstage to the Land of Make-Believe without children hearing his footsteps.