Bedding made from cedar or pine wood shavings has a pleasant smell that can mask odors caused by your guinea pig’s urine. However, cedar and pine shavings can be highly irritating to a guinea pig’s respiratory system and can cause an allergic reaction that can manifest in a chronic skin problem.

What bedding is safe for guinea pigs?

We recommend paper bedding, Aspen, or a blend of the two to those new to guinea pigs. Fleece also can be used but with fleece, you’ll notice guinea pigs’ poop more and need to sweep it (as well hay and other debris) off the fleece daily.

What materials are bad for guinea pigs?

D O N ‘ T: GIVE YOUR GUINEA ANY UNSAFE PRODUCTS. Cedar shavings, spherical hay cages, toys with choking hazards, or unhealthy treats. LEAVE GUINEA PIGS ALONE WITH OTHER PETS.

What fabric is best for guinea pig bedding?

Your guinea pig spends a lot of time in his cage, so one of the most important factors to consider is his comfort. Fleece, paper, aspen and cotton are all soft on little feet, and super comfortable.

Is cotton bedding safe for guinea pigs?

Like paper and fleece, cotton (not synthetic) cloth can serve as an economical, affordable and effective type of homemade guinea pig bedding. You can use any cotton cloths, towels or cotton/fleece cloth. Pros: Low cost, soft, absorbent, reusable, pigs seem to like it.

Is hay a good bedding for guinea pigs?

Hay. There’s no escaping the fact that guinea pigs love the stuff. Hay is a great bedding choice as it encourages lots of natural behaviours. You can line the base of the cage/hutch with some layers of newspaper and then pile plenty of hay on top.

What do you put in the bottom of a guinea pig cage?

We recommend using newspaper to line the floor of the cage. However, you should never use it as bedding on its own. It is not absorbent enough and gets wet quickly. Not only will odours linger longer, but it could also cause all sorts of health issues for your guinea pig.

Are blankets safe for guinea pigs?

Add blankets and towels. Blankets give your guinea pigs something to snuggle up under, which helps them better maintain their body heat. Any blanket will do, though smaller is probably better. A small fleece blanket is a great option. You can also cut up old towels to use.

Is fleece bedding good for guinea pigs?

Fleece is gentle on your guinea pig’s feet – As you know, guinea pigs have very sensitive feet and are prone to nasty diseases like bumblefoot. Fleece bedding is much gentler on your cavy’s feet, and perfect for snuggling into.

What should you not put in a guinea pig cage?

Do not use cedar or pine shavings as bedding, even though these are widely available as bedding for small pets. These materials have phenol, which can be harmful to guinea pigs. Instead, buy bedding made of paper or straw, as it retains heat and keeps the pig warm.

What can I use instead of guinea pig bedding?

Guinea Pig Bedding Alternatives

  • Fleece.
  • Shredded Cardboard.
  • Hay.
  • Straw.
  • Shredded Paper.
  • Newspaper.

Can I use vet bedding for guinea pigs?

Vet Bed is made from high quality and double woven strength polyester. It has a high density pile that is woven into the carpet on non slip matting which creates a luxurious woolen feel. Perfect for guinea pigs or rabbits that love extra comfort.

Can guinea pigs have straw for bedding?

Straw is not recommended as it usually contains very hard and often sharp stalks which can cause hay stick injuries. Lucerne hay is only appropriate for young or pregnant guinea pigs, and so should not be used as bedding as it is likely your guinea pigs will help themselves to it!

Is soft pine bedding safe for guinea pigs?

In summary. Pine wood shavings are a great bedding for your guinea pigs because they are absorbent, have a pleasant natural aroma and are a soft natural bedding that is gentle to their delicate skin.

Is all living things pine bedding safe for guinea pigs?

The first type of pine (kiln-dried pine) is safe to be used as a bedding for guinea pigs because it has been dried and thermally processed (free from a strong scent and microorganisms).

What is the cheapest bedding for guinea pigs?

I’ve even ordered confetti-colored paper bedding because it was the cheapest choice. An even cheaper option, in the long run, is to use fleece. Lots of guinea-pig owners prefer to use fleece to line their cages because it’s reusable and they feel it’s more comfortable for their guinea pigs.

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