Although the world loved Marlon Brando for his movie star charisma and talent, Christian Brando often found his big personality difficult. "When Christian is near his father, he seems to shrink, he becomes a gnat," film producer Carmine De Benedittis once observed, per The Guardian. "He seems to be crushed by the force of his father's character."

"Marlon was the absentee father, gone a lot of the time," one of Christian's friends later revealed, according to Marlon's biographer, adding that he would occasionally reappear in his son's life and either lecture him or give him expensive presents, like his own Los Angeles house. After Christian was arrested as a teenager for firing his rifle at an abandoned building, he phoned one of Marlon's employees instead of his father. "Just go inside and let me out, because he'll kill me," he reportedly begged her, via Entertainment Weekly, explaining that Marlon had frequently hit him.

They had various conflicts throughout Christian's adolescence, especially when the acting titan set up recording equipment in his son's bedroom. "I thought I was so very clever, but I was not so clever," Marlon admitted after the teenager found him out. Christian also began secretly sleeping with his father's girlfriend, Jill Banner, and their two-year affair caused a huge uproar when it was exposed.
