Ronald Wayne Van Zant, the father of Melody Van, first met Judy Seymour in 1969 at The Comic Book Club through Gary Rossington.

They later got married and had only one child, Melody. Her birth year is 1976.

Judy Van Zant-Jenness founded Jacksonville Beach, Florida’s Freebird Live, a music venue, in 1999. It belonged to Melody Van Zant and contained memorabilia from Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Judy married Jim Jenness and founded The Freebird Foundation, which she ran until it was dissolved in 2001.

American artist Ronald Wayne Van Zant is most known for being the lead singer, lyricist, and founding member of the Southern rock group Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Melody Van Zant, an Australian distance swimmer, was born on July 23, 1968, in Melbourne, Victoria. Her sister is Tammy van Wisse.

In the 1990 Lake Zurich Swim, she won.

Where is Melody Van Zant now today?

The Freebird Cafe in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is run by Melody Van Zant. Her whereabouts at this time are unclear.
